From CNS and a hat tip to Deacon Greg:
Internet rumors to the contrary, no Catholic hospital in the United States is in danger of closing because of the Freedom of Choice Act.
As a matter of fact, the Freedom of Choice Act died with the 110th Congress and, a week after the inauguration of President Barack Obama, has not been reintroduced.
But that hasn't kept misleading e-mails from flying around the Internet, warning of the dire consequences if Obama signs FOCA into law and promoting a "FOCA novena" in the days leading up to Inauguration Day.
And here's the final nail:
Said Bishop Robert N. Lynch of St. Petersburg, Fla., an elected member of the CHA board of trustees since June 2006.
"But there is no plan to shut down any hospital if it passes," he added in a Jan. 26 telephone interview. "There's no sense of ominous danger threatening health care institutions."
So sit back and relax at home and figure out how to care for a pregnant teen today along with writing a letter to congress to ask them to support the unborn. While you're at it, take some time to care for the poor and ask congress to do that too. Oh yeah, perhaps you should pray for peace in the world while you're at it.
In other words, we have better things to do than to concern ourselves with FOCA.
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